The Joy Of Computing Using Python Week 2 : Assignment 1 | NPTEL | Answers July 2023

The Joy of Computing using Python Week 2 - Assignment 1 | NPTEL | Answer with Explanation

"Discover the Excitement of Computing with Python | Week 1 Multiple Choice Questions - Get ready to enhance your programming skills and deepen your understanding of the Python language with this week 2 MCQ on 'The Joy of Computing using Python'. Test your knowledge and boost your confidence as a Python programmer today!"
The Joy Of Computing Using Python Week 2   Assignment 1   NPTEL  Answers July 2023

Which of the following is a high-level programming language?

a. Assembly
b. C
c. Python
d. Machine Language

c. Python
Assembly: Assembly language is a low-level programming language that is specific to the architecture of a computer's central processing unit (CPU). It uses mnemonic codes to represent machine instructions, and it is not easily readable by humans. As it directly interacts with the hardware, it is considered a low-level language.

C: C is a high-level programming language that was developed for system programming but is now widely used for general-purpose programming. It provides a good balance between low-level access to the hardware and high-level abstractions. While C code can be more complex than Python, it is still considered a high-level language due to its level of abstraction compared to machine language or assembly.

Python: Python is a high-level programming language designed to be easy to read and write. It emphasizes code readability and simplicity, making it a popular choice for beginners and experienced developers alike. Python abstracts away many low-level details, making it a high-level language compared to assembly and machine language.

Machine Language: Machine language is the lowest-level programming language. It consists of binary code (1s and 0s) that directly represent the instructions executed by a computer's CPU. Machine language is not designed to be human-readable, and it requires a deep understanding of the hardware architecture to program effectively. As such, it is considered a low-level language.
In summary, Python is the high-level programming language among the options listed because it provides a high level of abstraction and readability, making it easier for programmers to express their ideas in code compared to assembly, C, or machine language.

Which of the following is an example of a front-end programming language?

a. PHP
b. Java
d. SQL

Front-end programming languages are used to create the user interface (UI) of a website or web application. They are responsible for structuring the content and defining how the user interacts with the website. Front-end languages are executed by the user's web browser, and they are responsible for rendering the visual elements that users see and interact with on the web page.

Out of the options provided:

PHP is a server-side scripting language commonly used for back-end development, handling server-side tasks, and interacting with databases. It is not primarily used for front-end development.

Java is a versatile programming language used for various purposes, including back-end development, desktop applications, mobile apps, and more. While it can be used for front-end development with technologies like JavaFX, it is not primarily associated with front-end programming.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a front-end programming language used to define the structure and layout of web pages. It is the backbone of any web page, providing the essential elements for displaying content, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, images, links, forms, and more.

SQL (Structured Query Language) is not a programming language for front-end development. SQL is a specialized language used for managing and querying databases. It is used on the back end to interact with databases, not to create the front-end user interface.

In conclusion, HTML is the example of a front-end programming language among the options provided, as it is the fundamental language used to create the structure and content of web pages.

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Which of the following is used to store data in a programming language?

a. Variables
b. Arrays
c. Loops
d. Conditionals

a. Variables, b. Arrays
Variables are used to store data in a programming language. They are containers that hold values, such as numbers, text, or other data types. When you create a variable in a programming language, you give it a name, and you can assign a value to that variable. The value can be changed or updated during the program's execution, making variables dynamic storage locations.

For example, in Python, you can create a variable called "age" and assign the value 30 to it:
age = 30

Now, the variable "age" stores the value 30. You can use this variable throughout the program, perform operations on it, or change its value as needed.

Arrays: Arrays are data structures that can store multiple values of the same data type. They allow you to group related data elements together. However, arrays are typically used to store collections of data rather than a single value associated with a variable name.

Which statement will print ‘The joy of computing’?

a. print(The joy of computing)
b. print The joy of computing
c. printf(‘The joy of computing’)
d. print(‘The joy of computing’)

d. print(‘The joy of computing’)
In Python, print() is a built-in function used to display output to the console or terminal. To print a string, you need to enclose it in single quotes (' ') or double quotes (" "). Strings are a sequence of characters, and any text that is enclosed in quotes is treated as a string literal.

print(The joy of computing)
This statement is not valid in Python. When you use print(), any text that needs to be printed should be enclosed in quotes. Without quotes, Python will interpret The, joy, and computing as variables, and if these variables are not defined, it will raise an error.

print The joy of computing
This statement is also not valid in Python. When using the print() function, you need to include parentheses, and the string you want to print should be enclosed in quotes.

printf(‘The joy of computing’)
This statement is not valid in Python. printf() is not a built-in function in Python. It is a function used in other programming languages like C or C++. In Python, you should use print() to display output.

print(‘The joy of computing’)
This statement is the correct one. It will print the string 'The joy of computing' to the console.

What should be the value of _ to print all numbers from 0-10

for i in range(11):
a. 8
b. 9
c. 10
d. 11

d. 11
In Python, you can use a for loop to print all numbers from 0 to 10.
Here's an example code snippet to achieve this:

for i in range(11):
The range(11) function generates a sequence of numbers from 0 to 10 (11 exclusive), and the for loop iterates over each number in that sequence, printing it to the console. The output will be:


Note that the range() function generates numbers starting from the first argument (0 in this case) up to, but not including, the second argument (11 in this case).

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Which of the following keyword is used to declare a function in a programming language?

a. def
b. var
c. int
d. float

a. def
The keyword used to declare a function in a programming language is def.

In most programming languages, def is used to define a function. When you define a function, you are essentially creating a named block of code that can be executed and reused by calling its name. The function definition typically includes a function name, a list of parameters (if any), and the code block that specifies what the function does.

For example, in Python, you use def to define a function as follows:
def my_function(param1, param2):
# Code block for the function
# ...

In this example, we've defined a function named my_function that takes two parameters, param1 and param2. The actual code for the function would go inside the indented block below the def statement.

What will be the output of the following code?

b = 0

for i in range(10):
 b = b+ i
a. 0
b. 45
c. 43
d. 50

b. 45

This code initializes a variable b with the value 0. Then, it enters a loop that iterates 10 times, with the variable i taking values from 0 to 9. During each iteration of the loop, the value of b is updated by adding the current value of i to it. After the loop finishes, the final value of b is printed to the console.
The result of this code will be the sum of all numbers from 0 to 9 (inclusive), which is 45.

What value will c store in it after the execution of the below code? c=b**3

a. Value of b multiplied by 3
b. Cube of b
c. Value of b multiplied with 3 twice
d. It will throw an error

b. Cube of b

b = 5

What will be the output? suppose the input is 30

number = input("Enter number")
new_number = number*2
a. 60
b. Error
c. 3030
d. 30

c. 3030

In the given code, the program takes input from the user as a string, doubles the string, and then prints the doubled string. The actual numeric doubling is not performed because the input is treated as a string.

As you can see, the code performs string doubling, not numeric doubling. If you want to perform numeric doubling, you need to convert the input to an integer using the int() function before performing the multiplication. For example:
number = int(input("Enter number"))
new_number = number * 2

With this modification, if the user enters 5, the program will correctly perform numeric doubling and produce the output:

What is the output for the following program?

a. True
b. False
c. It will display an error message
d. Boolean

b. False

In the given code, three lines of code are executed:
a = 3: This assigns the value 3 to the variable a.
b = 4: This assigns the value 4 to the variable b.
c = a > b: This line performs a comparison between the values of a and b. It evaluates whether a is greater than b, and the result of this comparison (True or False) is stored in the variable c.
Now, let's analyze the comparison operation:
Since a is assigned the value 3 and b is assigned the value 4, the comparison a > b will check whether 3 is greater than 4, which is False.
Finally, the program prints the value of c, which is False.
So, the output of the code will be:

"This page contains multiple choice questions (MCQs) related to The Joy of Computing using Python. The answers to these questions are provided for educational and informational purposes only.These answers are provided only for the purpose to help students to take references. This website does not claim any surety of 100% correct answers. So, this website urges you to complete your assignment yourself."

The Joy of Computing using Python Week 2, NPTEL ,Assignment 1 [July 2023],noc23_cs108

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