The Joy of Computing using Python Week 2 Assignment 1 | NPTEL | [ Jan 2024 ]

The Joy of Computing using Python Week 2 - Assignment 1 | NPTEL | Answer with Explanation

The Joy of Computing using Python Week 2 - Assignment 1 | NPTEL | Answer with Explanation
"Discover the Excitement of Computing with Python | Week 2 Multiple Choice Questions - Get ready to enhance your programming skills and deepen your understanding of the Python language with this week 2 MCQ on 'The Joy of Computing using Python'. Test your knowledge and boost your confidence as a Python programmer today!"

At any given point during a program's execution, what value is held within a variable?

a. The value it was initially assigned when it was created.
b. The sum of all values that have ever been assigned to it.
c. The most recent value that was assigned to it.
d. The average of all values that have ever been assigned to it.

PYQ | The Joy of Computing using Python - Course | NPTEL


c. The most recent value that was assigned to it.

Think of a variable as a labeled container in a program's memory:
- It holds a single value at a time.
- When you assign a value to a variable, it overwrites any previous value that was stored in it.
- This means that the variable always reflects the most up-to-date information.
- To illustrate this, consider this Python code:
x = 10 # Initial assignment: x holds 10
x = 20 # Reassignment: x now holds 20, overwriting the previous 10
x += 5 # Operation: x is updated to 25 (20 + 5)
print(x) # Output: 25

Key points to remember:
-- Variables don't retain a history of past values.

-- They only store the current value assigned to them.

--If you need to keep track of multiple values, you'll need to use other data structures, such as lists or arrays.

What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?

a = ' The Value is: '
b= input('Enter the Value:')
c = a + b
Which of the following represents the correct output if the user inputs "25"?
a. The value is: 25
b. 25
c. The value is:
d. None of the above

a. The value is: 25
- Always remember that input() converts everything to a string.
- If you need to work with numbers, you'll need to convert the input to the appropriate data type using int(), float(), etc.

What are the possible loop values that can be specified in the range argument of a for loop in Python, and why are these values used?

a. Integers, representing the starting and ending points of the loop, allowing iteration through a specified range of numbers.
b. Floating-point numbers, enabling iteration through decimal ranges with precise steps.
c. Strings, facilitating iteration through characters in a specified string
d. Tuples, allowing iteration through multiple sequences simultaneously.

a. Integers, representing the starting and ending points of the loop, allowing iteration through a specified range of numbers.


Purpose: To generate a sequence of integers for iteration.
Syntax: range(start, stop, step)

start: The starting value of the sequence (inclusive). Defaults to 0 if not specified.
stop: The end value of the sequence (exclusive). The sequence will stop before reaching this value.
step: The step size between values in the sequence. Defaults to 1 if not specified.

Floating-point numbers:
Not directly supported by the range() function. However, you can achieve iteration through decimal ranges using a workaround:
Workaround: Multiply the start, stop, and step values by a common factor to convert them to integers, then use range().

Strings: Not directly supported by the range() function. To iterate through characters in a string, use a for loop directly

Tuples: Not directly supported by the range() function. To iterate through multiple sequences simultaneously, use the zip() function

What values can be used in the argument of a while loop in Python, and why are these values used?

a. Integers, representing the starting and ending points of the loop, allowing iteration through a specified range of numbers
b. Boolean expressions or conditions, enabling the loop to execute until the condition becomes False.
c. Floating-point numbers, allowing iteration through decimal ranges with precise steps.
d. Strings, facilitating iteration through characters in a specified string.

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b. Boolean expressions or conditions, enabling the loop to execute until the condition becomes False.
In Python, only Boolean expressions or conditions can be used as arguments for while loops.
While loops are designed to repeatedly execute a block of code as long as a specific condition remains True.
This condition determines when the loop should continue and when it should terminate.

What types of conditional entries can be used in a Python if statement, and why are these entries used?

a. Integers, representing specific numeric values to check against a variable, ensuring a match for equality
b. Boolean expressions or conditions, evaluating to True or False and determining the path of execution in the code.
c. Strings, enabling comparison of text values for exact matches in the condition
d. Floating-point numbers, allow range-based conditions to check if a variable falls within a specific numerical range.

b. Boolean expressions or conditions, evaluating to True or False and determining the path of execution in the code.

Consider the following code snippet:

n = int(input("Enter a number:"))
for i in range(1,11)
     print(n, 'x', i, '=', n * i)
What wdoes the code do ?
a. Takes an input n, computes the multiplication table of n from 1 to 10, and prints each multiplication.
b. Takes an input n, computes the multiplication table of n from 1 to 11, and prints the final product.
c. Takes an input n, computes the multiplication table of n from 1 to 10, and prints the final product.
d. Takes an input n, initializes i to 1, and prints the multiplication of n and i without any loop.

a. Takes an input n, computes the multiplication table of n from 1 to 10, and prints each multiplication.

Input: The code first prompts the user to enter a number using input() and converts it to an integer using int(). This number is stored in the variable n.

Loop: The for loop iterates from 1 to 10 (inclusive of 1, exclusive of 11) using the range(1, 11) function. This means the loop will run 10 times.

Consider the Code snippet

number = int(input("Enter a number:"))
i = 1
while i <= 10:
print(number, 'x', i, '=',number*i)

i +=1


Takes an input number, computes the multiplication table of numbers from 1 to 10, and prints each multiplication

number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
while counter <= number:
What does the code do?

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Takes an input num, computes the factorial of num, and prints the factorial value.

Takes an input num, computes the product of numbers from 1 to num, and prints the final product.

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. Which of the following are IDEs?

a. PyCharm
b. Spyder
c. Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
d. C# (pronounced "C sharp")

a. PyCharm
b. Spyder
c. Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

✔️ PyCharm: It's a powerful IDE for Python development, offering features like code completion, debugging, static analysis, and various project management tools.

✔️ Spyder: This scientific Python IDE combines code editing, interactive computing, and advanced visualization capabilities for data analysis and scientific computing.

✔️ Visual Studio Code (VS Code): While it can function as a lightweight text editor, VS Code can be heavily extended with numerous plugins and extensions, transforming it into a full-fledged IDE for various programming languages, including Python, C#, Java, and many more.

❌ C# (pronounced "C sharp"): C# is a programming language, not an IDE. It requires an IDE like Visual Studio or VS Code to write and run C# code.

A Python distribution is a software bundle, which contains a Python interpreter and the Python standard library. What is Anaconda being discussed in lectures?

a. A species of snake
b. A type of programming language
c. An integrated development environment (IDE)
d. A Python distribution for scientific computing and data science

d. A Python distribution for scientific computing and data science

An integrated development environment (IDE): Anaconda includes features of an IDE, but it's not primarily designed for that purpose.

PYQ | The Joy of Computing using Python - Course | NPTEL

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"This page contains multiple choice questions (MCQs) related to The Joy of Computing using Python . The answers to these questions are provided for educational and informational purposes only.These answers are provided only for the purpose to help students to take references. This website does not claim any surety of 100% correct answers. So, this website urges you to complete your assignment yourself."

The Joy of Computing using Python Week 2,NPTEL ,,Assignment 1 [Jan 2024],noc24_cs57
Joy of Computing using Python

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