What is Ethical Hacking? Everything You Need to know about Hacking.

Before we know about Ethical Hacking. Do you know what is hacking ???
Let's Know about Hacking first.

What is hacking ?

    It is known as hacking to obtain access to a device you are not allowed to have access to.
For example, gaining access of Facebook account of someone else. Or Email account access of someone else, or reading information you should not allowed to read, is called hacking.

Types of Hacking

  • Network Hacking
  • Website Hacking
  • Computer Hacking
  • Password Hacking
  • Email Hacking

Types of Hackers

  • White hat hacker
  • Black Hat hacker
  • Grey Hat hacker
  • Blue Hat Hackers
  • Script Kiddies
  • Red Hat Hackers
  • Whistleblower

White Hat Hackers:

    White Hat Hacker is computer security expert, who specializes in penetration testing. White hat hackers are the one permitted or the approved hackers who identifying vulnerabilities. They also guarantee the safety from the fraudulent cyber-crimes. They operate under the laws and regulations set down by the government, which is why they are considered ethical hackers or cyber security specialists. White hat hacker are searching for gaps and attempting to create a better wall.

Black Hat Hackers: 

    The one who gain the unauthorized access of computer networks with malicious intent. They gain unauthorized access of computer to destroy important files, data or to steal personal/private information. The WannaCry ransomware released in May 2017 is one example.

Grey Hat hacker:

    Grey hackers hack networks and computer systems in the same manner that black hackers do without malicious intent, revealing both loopholes and bug into the system.

Script Kiddies:

Kiddie or Skiddie are unskilled users who use online shell scripts, networks and deface web pages to harass other users. The most of these are young people who are unable to code advanced programs or modifies the codes, and that their goal is to please their peers or to win credit in computer enthusiast groups.

Blue Hat Hackers:

    The one who take existing malware and virus code/program, and then change it to suit their needs. They will use this code to threaten the company or the person they believe they have mistreated them and to enact their revenge on them. This category is not recognized generally for practicing or developing their abilities.

Red Hat Hackers:

    Red Hat hackers are working and playing by their own rules. They are trying to stop black hats, but in different ways. Red Hat, in a way, are seeking to do some serious harm to black hats. If a red hat detects a malicious hacker, they can initiate a full-scale attack. They inject malicious malware, and even try to reach the hacker's machine to totally destroy everything. 


    Whistleblowers are a individual, typically an employee, who exposes information or activities in an organisation considered to be immoral, illegal, insecure, or unlawful within a government organization, or in a public or private sector.

What is Ethical Hacking ?

    Often classified as White hat Hacking or Penetration Testing is ethical hacking. In short it is Legal Hacking. An approved effort to obtain unauthorized access to a computer device or data is included in ethical hacking. Ethical hacking is used to enhance the security of the systems and networks. Every day, new worms, malware, viruses and ransomware spread and generate a need for ethical hacking services.

What is penetration test ?

    A penetration test, known commonly as a pen test or ethical hacking, is an approved simulated cyber attack on a computer system conducted to determine the safety of the system. The test is conducted to determine all vulnerabilities, and the possibility for unauthorized parties to obtain access to the functionality and data of the device, as well as the strengths to complete a maximum risk assessment.

A method for gaining assurance in the security of an IT system by attempting to breach some or all of that system's security, using the same tools and techniques as an adversary might. - National Cyber Security Center

Hey there, hope you find this information very useful. Keep Learning Keep Sharing, Stay Safe.

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