1. Fifth generation computer is also known as?
૧. Fifth generation computer કયા નામે ઓળખાય છે? |
A. Knowledge information processing system |
B. Very large scale integration (VLSI) |
C. Both of above |
D. Non of the above |
Answer and Explanation :
Fifth Generation computers will have artificial intelligence and will be able to understand making knowledge information processing system possible
2. (CPU) Central Processing Unit is combination of?
૨. (CPU) Central Processing Unit શેનુ બનેલુ છે?
A. Control and storage |
B. Control and output unit |
C. Arithmetic logic and input unit |
D. Arithmetic logic and control unit |
Answer and Explanation :
ANS : D Arithmetic logic and control unit
Arithmetic logic and control unit along with memory unit forms a complete central processing unit and central processing unit along with input/output unit forms a computer system.
3.Pick the one that is used for logical operations or comparisons such as less than equal to or greater than?
૩.નીચે આપેલ વિકલ્પો માંથી શેનો ઊપયોગ લોજીકલ અને સરખામણી જેવા કાર્યો કરવા માટે થાય છે?
A. Arithmetic and Logic Unit |
B. Control Unit |
C. Both of above |
D. None of the above |
Answer and Explanation :
ANS : A. Arithmetic and Logic Unit
Logical sub-unit of ALU performs all the comparisons such as less than equal to or greater than. Arithmetic sub-unit of ALU performs calculations such as addition, subtraction and so on.
4. Analog computer works on the supply of ?
૪. એનાલોગ કમ્પ્યુટર શેના વડે કાર્ય કરે છે?
A. Continuous electrical pulses |
B. Electrical pulses but not continuous |
C. Magnetic strength |
D. None of the above |
Answer and Explanation :
ANS : A. Continuous electrical pulses
Analog computers works on the continuous electrical pulses and digital computers work on the discrete electrical pulses. Analog computers need to process physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, speed etc)
5. Hard disk is coated in both side using?
૫. હાર્ડ ડિસ્કમાં બન્ને બાજુએથી coated માટે શેનો ઊપયોગ થાય છે?
A. Magnetic metallic oxide |
B. Optical metallic oxide |
C. Carbon layer |
D. All of the above |
Answer and Explanation :
ANS : A. Magnetic metallic oxide
6. Which of the following language computer can understand?
૬. નીચે આપેલ વિકલ્પોમાંથી કઈ લેન્ગ્વેજ કમ્પ્યુટર સમજે છે? |
A. Medium level language |
B. High level language |
C. Low level language |
D. Machine language |
Answer and Explanation :
D. Machine language
As computer is an electronic machine, it can feel
only electricity. It cannot understand human languages. So computer can
understand a language which is directly related to electricity. So which
language the computer can understand? The answer is binary language or machine
language. The binary language consists of only two numbers 0 and 1 where 0
represent low voltage and 1 represent high voltage.
New words can be
formed by mixing 0’s and 1’s. For example, 11 means 3, 100 means 4, and 101
means 5. Alphabets should be given some code so that they can be easily
converted to binary form. For example, in ASCII code A means 65, B means 66 and
so on. Therefore 65 can be converted into binary form and when it is fed to
computer, it can be understood as we expected.
7. Artificial Intelligence is associated with which generation?
૭. Artificial Intelligence શેની સાથે સંકળાયેલ છે?
A. First Generation |
B. Second Generation |
C. Fourth Generation |
D. Fifth Generation |
8. Which of the following are (is) considered to be video component?
૮. વીડીયો ડીવાઈઝ/કોમ્પોનન્ટ સાથે નીચે માથી શુ લાગુ પડે છે?
A. Refresh rate |
B. Color depth |
C. Resolution |
D. all of the above |
9. The secondary storage devices can only store data but they cannot perform?
૯. સેકન્ડરી સ્ટોરેજ ડિવાઇઝ કયુ કાર્ય કરી શકે નહિ.
A. Logic operation |
B. Arithmetic Operation |
C. Fetch operations |
D. Either of the above |
Answer and Explanation :
ANS : D. Either of the above
10. A computer consists of?
૧૦. કમ્પ્યુટર શેનુ બનેલુ છે?
A. A memory |
B. A central processing unit |
C. Input and output unit |
D. All of the above |
Answer and Explanation :
ANS : D. All of the above
11. The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from?
૧૧. ALU શેના દ્વારા આપેલ કમાન્ડને અનુસરે(પ્રતિસાદ આપે) છે?
A. Control section |
B. Primary memory |
C. External memory |
D. Cache memory |
12. “COMPUTER” term is derived from ……….?
૧૨. “COMPUTER” શેમાથી લીધેલ છે?
A. Latin |
B. French |
C. Araabic |
D. German |
Answer and Explanation :
ANS : A.
The word Computer is derived from the Latin term computare which means to calculate. A computer is electronic device that does not do any work by itself but works under the instruction given by user. A computer is the combination of Hardware and Software. A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or data provided by user and process them which can be stored, retrieved at the time of necessity.
13. Who is the father of computing?
૧૩. Computingના પિતા કોણ છે?
A. Konrad Zuse |
B. Charles Babbage |
C. Henry Edward Roberts |
D. Wiliam "Bill" Moggridge |
Answer and Explanation :
Father of computing:

Charles Babbage was considered to be the father of computing after his invention and concept of the Analytical Engine in 1837.
The Analytical Engine contained an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), basic flow control, and integrated memory; hailed as the first general-purpose computer concept.
Babbage never completed his invention in his lifetime, his radical ideas and concepts of the computer are what make him the father of computing.
Father of the computer:

Konrad Zuse as the father of the computer with his development of the Z1, Z2, Z3, and Z4.
Father of the personal computer:

Henry Edward Roberts coined the term "personal computer" and is considered to be the father of the modern personal computers after he released of the Altair 8800 on December 19, 1974.
Father of the laptop:

Wiliam "Bill" Moggridge is the man responsible for designing the folding screen and clamshell design of the modern laptop.
14. Who is the father of computer?
૧૪. Computer ના પિતા કોણ છે?
A. Konrad Zuse |
B. Charles Babbage |
C. Henry Edward Roberts |
D. Wiliam "Bill" Moggridge |
Answer and Explanation :
Father of the computer:

Konrad Zuse as the father of the computer with his development of the Z1, Z2, Z3, and Z4.
15. What is the proper way of shut down a computer
૧૫.Computer ને યોગ્ય રીતે શટ ડાઊન કરવાની રીત કઇ ?
A. Click on START button and press shutdown |
B. Switch of power supply directly |
C. Remove the power cable |
D. Any of the above |
Answer and Explanation :
Click on START button and press shutdown
Shutdown Steps |
16. Which is the longest key on the keyboard ?
૧૬. કી-બોર્ડની લાબામાં લાંબી કી કઇ?
A. Enter key |
B. Tab key |
C. Space bar |
D. Backspace key |
17. Home key in the key board is used for ………….
૧૭. Key Borad ની અંદર Home keyનો ઊપયોગ શો?
A. Go home |
B. Go to beginning |
C. Go out |
D. Go to end |
Answer and Explanation :
Move the cursor to the beginning of a line or move to the top of a webpage
18. End key in the keyboard is used for……….
૧૮. Key Borad ની અંદર End keyનો ઊપયોગ શો?
A. Go to end |
B. Go to beginning |
C. Go out |
D. None |
Answer and Explanation :
ANS : A Go to end
Move the cursor to the end of a line or move to the bottom of a webpage
19. Ctrl+Home
A. Move to the top of a document |
B. Move to the bottom of a document |
C. Move the cursor to the end of a line |
D. Move the cursor to the beginning of a line |
Answer and Explanation :
ANS : A Move to the top of a document.
20. Ctrl+End
A. Move to the top of a document |
B. Move to the bottom of a document |
C. Move the cursor to the end of a line |
D. Move the cursor to the beginning of a line |
Answer and Explanation :
ANS : B Move to the bottom of a document
21. While typing, use of Shift key with any alphabet
૨૧. ટાઇપીંગ કરતી વખતે સિફ્ટ કિ નો ઊપયોગ કોઇ પણ alphabet સાથે કરતા..........
A. Changes the case of alphabet |
B. Makes the alphabet bold |
C. Makes the alphabet underlined |
D. Makes the alphabet italicized |
Answer and Explanation :
A Change the case of alphabet